Today is the nine-year anniversary of the day I met my husband. I have been feeling all nostalgic, so I went to my old blog and re-read what I wrote about meeting and marrying him. While doing so, I came across this poem I composed before we met, and it reminded me, just a little, of who I am. I hope it will do the same for you.


Do you know who you are?
When you look in the mirror do you see what I see?

You are a radiant light, a brilliant star, a flourishing, vibrant, and fruitful tree.
You are an angel
and you are not earning your wings,
you are simply learning to use the ones you already have.
You are a gift to the world.
You are a gem that sparkles and dances, lit from within.
You are noble....
remember you are noble.
You are love.
You are beauty.
You are truth.
I see this in you.
It does not come from the things you've done,
or the things you haven't done.
It does not arrive when it is recognized.
No, you are innately timeless in your glory.
You are born into and out of beauty.
You were created as a single wave on an endless ocean,
to dance and laugh and express, all the days of your life.
So come dance, laugh, and express,
it is what your heart has been longing for.

With love,
written 10 February 2010