Hello Radiant Ones!

I grew up on a farm in rural Iowa—surrounded by the sounds, fragrances, and colors of the natural world.  This environment stimulated both my intellect and my spirit, cultivating within me a curiosity and creativity that has translated into the work I do today.  With a deep affinity for all things beautiful, I strive to capture moments of beauty with my paintbrush and camera lens—both languages that transcend syllables and sounds. My calling has always been to assist individuals to return home thru beauty—the kind of homecoming within one's self that only true beauty can provide. 

Thru Beauty merges my two passions so that I am able to bring my whole self into my service and work in the world

Many people think that the mind and the heart are at odds with each other, that scholarship and the arts are dichotomous; I happen to believe they are more likely dialectic, they feed off of and require each other; after all, curiosity leads to creativity, and creativity makes us curious.  Before coming to this conclusion, I spent a lot of my life feeling stuck and unable to choose a "path" because the world told me that I had to choose between my intelligence and my imagination.  And I couldn't do it, I would start to move in one direction and then stop in my tracks only to change gears.  Some said I was "flaky" or "not living up to my potential".  I happen to think I was searching, exploring, and becoming.  Today, with a background in both scholarship and the arts—on the one hand, I hold a Bachelor's in Gender Studies and Peace Studies and a Master's in Interfaith Action, and on the other, I have been a painter and photographer for as long as I can remember and worked as a print, commercial, fit, and runway model for 10 years—Thru Beauty merges my two passions so that I am able to bring my whole self into my service and work in the world.  Thus I strive, little-by-little and day-by-day, to contribute to the advancement of society through building community, elevating discourse, and serving those souls eager to feel at home in their own skin.  Whether through one of my signature programs—Brand Your Beauty and Shape Your Sanctuary—or by providing custom art to nourish your soul—Adorn Your Atmosphere and the Shop—it is my mission to empower you to contribute your unique gifts to the world! 

It would be my great joy to support and accompany you on your journey of homecoming thru beauty that elevates your soul, awakens your purpose, and catalyzes your calling. 

Ever in your service,


Questions/Comments?  Please connect with me below!